Application information

Windows 3.1

Name: Windows 3.1
Year: 1992
Version: 3.1
Rating: 84% - rated 29 times
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Submitter: Nickloss
Score: 10 points
Added: Feb 04 2006

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Description: From

Released in 1990, Microsoft Windows 3.0 was a revolutionary operating system for the PC as one of the most used GUI operating systems.
Later Windows 3.1 was released in 1992 by Microsoft and was one of the first major PC GUI operating systems widely used. Windows 3.1 allowed users to utilize several features previously not available in MS-DOS. Some of these new features were the use of a mouse which allowed the user to navigate and manipulate data on the computer with one hand simply and easily and now did not have to memorize MS-DOS commands. In addition to the mouse, Windows now allowed the user to multitask, meaning the user could now run multiple applications at once without having to close out of each program before running another. Windows along with other GUI operating systems are one of the many reasons computers have become easier and more widely used.


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By Gekko_17_90 - Jul 01 2007 - 22:52
I can run it on my Modifid HP Palmtop  :)  :)  :D  :D
the palmtop runs it a bit slow but it works.
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By Spikeman14 - Jun 01 2007 - 17:38
Microsoft only good OS!
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By Batu04 - Nov 13 2006 - 00:35
how do i install it ?
i have a pentium mmx 233mhg 256 mb ram dimms 27 g hard drive 8 mb video and im running on win xp! xD
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By Jonnyferrari - Oct 29 2006 - 04:25
funny thing, i was using windows 3.1 two years ago ^^
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By Lordarctic - Aug 21 2006 - 18:27
hee hee, how old...gonna put it on an emulator

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