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Blood (Plasma Pak)

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Name: Blood (Plasma Pak)
Year: 1997
Publisher: GT Interactive
Developer: Monolith
Platform: PC
Genre: 3D Shooter
Total rating: 78.6% - rated 158 times
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Submitter: Legendary
Added: Oct 06 2004
Warez status: Abandonware

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Game review

Author: Emmzee
Date: Jun 17 2006 - 16:16
Score: 25 points
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When I first played Blood, I had no idea what I had been missing for the past 9 years. Now I know. Blood, to put it simply, is a great game. The selection of weapons is vast and the weapon variety is amazing. There are things you can do in Blood that you just can't do in any other shooter. While there is little variety in enemies, the game still manages to stay fun with loads of secrets (11 in the first level alone) and creative means of destruction. The secondary attack options on the weapons, such as shooting both barrels at the same time with the shotgun, help keep the game fun and entertaining. While playing this game, I encountered a LOT of blood, gore, violence, etc. In fact, this is the most gory game I have ever played, and I have played a lot of bloody games. This might turn some people off from the game, but the gore is tastefully used, sometimes to a funny extent. There are many challenges, and a lot of elements and one-liners from horror movies, which Blood draws from. Despite the campy element, this is a througholy enjoyable game that has a gameplay experience the likes of which can never be replicated. The creativity in weapons (pitchfork, flare gun, shotgun, tommy gun, dynamite, and voodoo doll to name a few) can never be matched. I highly recommend this game. In fact, this game is so good it replaced all games of mine for about 2 weeks while I beat it. The length of Blood is a plus too. I got a solid 15 hours out of it, and that was just on one difficulty level.

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By DominicOfCinimod - Jan 21 2010 - 00:43
Very great game. However when I play this version it skips a lot, anyone know why?
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By TECHNIC - Sep 24 2009 - 20:54
Still a milestone in LAN gaming! Thank you offering this masterpiece!
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By Jason_stonier - Sep 11 2009 - 10:32
This game, listed here as "Plasma Pak" is actually the release "Blood - one whole unit" and it would be worth listing it as such: "Blood" and "Plasma Pak" never got officially released or patched in a version higher than 1.11, however in 1998 GT Interactive released "One Whole Unit" which is Blood + Plasma Pak + Cryptic passage all at version 1.21, which is the last and greatest version. Plasma Pak is the Eidos addition to Blood (with new enemies and a new episode), while Crytpic Passage was the only official 3rd-party episode released for Blood (by SunStar). All are included in this release on CGN, but you wouldn't know that unless you were a real Blood geek. Ahem.
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By Quinn9 - Jun 27 2009 - 07:38
Is there any place that I can download the MapEdit Thing?
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By Legendary - Apr 11 2009 - 10:48
Tip for you guys should you get caught by the crawling hand (which you will), spam space bar to get it off you.

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